veterinarian doctor

MVDr. Jakub Šperlich

A native of Lanškroun. He graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Brno Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University in 2014.

From the 3rd to the 6th year of practical studies at the Department of Surgery and Orthopedics of the Clinic for Diseases of Dogs and Cats at the VFU Brno.

A one-week internship at the Exovet Brno office specializing in parrots, reptiles and small mammals.

A month's internship in Small Animal General Practice at the Small Animal University Hospital in the Department of Dermatology and Internal Medicine at the University of Liverpool, UK.

One-month internship at the Animal Hospital in the Department of Small Animal Surgery and Orthopedics at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, USA.

One-month internship at the small and large animal clinic in Wharton, Texas, USA.

3-week internship at the Willow Small and Large Animal Clinic in Ashland, Wisconsin, USA.

Osteosynthetic workshop at the Free University of Berlin in Germany.

veterinarian doctor

MVDr. Hana Novotná

She graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology of the Brno Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University in 2022.

Hanka is the youngest member of our team, but thanks to her knowledge and approach to patients, she is its rightful member.

veterinarian technician

Michaela Šolcová

She graduated from agriculture high school in Lanškroun.

Míša joined us in April 2021. Since then, she has been helping us with care in the surgery. If you call us to make an appointment for an examination, you will most likely call her :).

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